Ready for Dream Projects and Unicorn Clients?

When a designer tells me they want an affluent—aka rich—client, they usually have no clue who their ideal client actually is. 

The fastest way to increase your income and to build a waitlist of clients that fit is to invest in building your brand. 

#MBDMastermind is a year-long, small group immersion designed to lift the Founders of boutique design, architecture and landscape firms to their next level. If you are ready to transform your firm into a brand, increase your visibility, boost your profits and work with more high-end clients on bucket-list projects. Join us!

You don't have to do it alone.

“You can work with clients you love on projects that challenge you creatively AND be well paid.” 

- RASHEEDA GRAY, gray space interior design

Kim's approach to coaching is unlike any I've ever experienced, and allowed me to truly embody my brand to grow my business. 

You don't have to do it alone.

My definition of visibility goes way beyond Instagram, SEO and a shiny website. My book talked about why real and strategic growth happens at a much deeper level. This mastermind will show you how to get there.

If you’re committed to doing the homework, diving in, getting real and getting out of your own way, this mastermind will be the perfect fit.

Remember, even though the service you provide is all about them, it is rooted in a platform that is all about you. When it comes to getting dream projects and clients, the most important thing you can do is to work on your interior planning, my specialty!

I'm Kim Kuhteubl. I'm a producer, visibility strategist and the author of Branding + Interior Design, a playbook for next-gen design leaders. During the mastermind you'll learn a step-by-step process for how to build your design brand and profit from it. 

"You don't need super powers to get to the next level. You just need someone to tell you what works. I will! I've helped more designers than any other coach get to six- and seven figures than any other coach in the design industry!" ~ Kim Kuhteubl

it's your time to shine.

Study at your own pace

Plan based on your learning style


Follow a proven roadmap

"It transformed the way that I think about my business, and gave me the permission to create my vision for how I want to evolve to best serve clients...I've hired team members, have taken on exciting new (and even bigger!) projects and have been published nationally and regionally!

“I’m a big believer in investing in yourself and your business, and last year I was fortunate enough to be a part of Kim’s Mastermind group for designers.” 

next review


Ready For Growth?


Members are placed in curated groups to maximize success and progress during the live coaching sessions.

Members only support circle

You’ll belong to a private Facebook group to share ideas and ask questions to Kim or other team members.

Live Laser Alignment Sessions

Live sessions will help you focus on what's not working so that you can fix it fast and strategically.

Self-Study Bursts & Guided Playbook

Clarity exercises combined with course learnings and other "fun stuff" in a beautifully designed guidebook to help you play. This is your transformation and we want it to be fun! (1 Book Total)

self-study sessions delivered in a variety of formats INCLUDE THE LATEST ON:

• Define what you really, really want.
• Build a strategic get-to-do list.
• What is getting in the way?

01: Vision

• Are you marketing to the right clients?
• Real problems and innovative solutions for problem clients.
• What experiences will help you delight clients that are your fit?

02: Client Fit

• How to determine your value.
• Mastering the sales conversation.
• Setting boundaries and dealing with

04: Charge What You're Worth

• Set income goals that excite you and choose the right model to achieve them.
• Prosperity Planning/Limiting Beliefs

03: Wealth

• How to train your calendar to support the way
you do business best.
• How to set boundaries.
• How to prioritize your vision.

05: Productivity

• Is your website working for you?
• Tell your story on and off
• Copy that converts

06: Your Online Home

• Industry-relevant reading and audio 
• Free digital download of Branding + Interior Design
• Done-for-you resource library with contributions from hundreds of successful interior designers.
• Guest presentations

Along the way you’ll also receive: 

• Are your team members on-brand?
• What team building assessments can you use to hire A-players? 

07: Design Your A-Team

• Pitch your story like a journalist.
• Hire the right photographer.
• Build relationships with editors and influencers

08: Visibility

• Outline and sell your book.
• Create your signature talk.

09: IP

What Other Designers Have Said....

I may be onsite with clients during one of the scheduled days, will I miss anything?

Absolutely not! All sessions will be recorded and links to all materials will be sent via email. Because our program curriculum is already set, I will assign any relevant reading the week prior so you can send a list of your questions to my team in advance and we will address them on the call.

Frequently Asked Questions

I’m concerned about privacy.

Privacy is our utmost concern. When you register for this group, you are making a commitment to honor each other’s boundaries in terms of privacy and to give each group member your full respect. That’s listed in the TERMS & CONDITIONS here. With your purchase, you agree to them and not to disclose, mine, or share any member's private information. What happens in the group stays in the group.

I live outside of the US, can I still participate?

Yes! We live in a global economy and have had mastermind participants from Canada, the UK and Australia. I have experience with clients in all of those markets. Even though you will learn to serve the people in your towns, cities and states, because of the internet, your clients can come from anywhere. Think bigger. I like to work face-to-face with my clients and I use a VERY easy teleconferencing platform called Zoom. As long as you have a computer, a telephone and an internet connection, you’re good to go.

I make furniture (chandeliers, wallpaper, beautiful thing for the home), will this program help me build my brand?

I love beautiful and surprising products and one aspect of my business is helping the people who make them improve their communication to find their audience. It helps that I spent two seasons covering KBIS for (over 100 episodes) and have experienced first-hand what works and doesn’t work marketing products. The modules in this program can easily be applied to a product-based business, especially if you are interested in marketing them to the trade. Not to mention the fact that you’ll be among an audience of interior designers—ahem. What better way to test market the brand you’re building and/or find potential customers, collaborators and brand ambassadors.

I’m a visual artist but this program appeals to me, will it help me?

In my work with interior designers, I've discovered that some were actually fine artists first. They went into interior design because it was the only way they thought they could make money. If you’re toggling both worlds, this program can help you to find clarity about what it is that you truly want to do.

I would like my team members to participate, is there a group rate?                      

This program is intended for company founders, aka Chief Visionary Officer. We have other trainings available for teams. Contact our office to set up a time to speak about those.

I’ve worked with other coaches before and done programs but they didn't work, how is this different?

What if I don’t have a vision for myself that I can see clearly? Should I wait?

The simplest answer I can give is that if you haven’t worked with me before then it would be impossible for you to compare the results of this program with any other. When you make a decision to be supported in becoming visible by me as a coach now, I will stand with you in seeing yourself and your vision realized. I’ve worked with so many different kinds of women and when a woman is ready to be held accountable to a practice, results happen

That’s the whole point of doing this work together. It is my firm belief that we all know the answers IF we’re asked the right questions and that’s where I can help. I ask a lot of questions. Also, being in community with other women who may articulate something you’ve been feeling but can’t put words to is powerful. Starting where you’re at is the only place you can begin. Luckily it’s the most powerful place.