A Lesson On Stepping Out of Your Comfort Zone with Kim Kuhteubl


If your mind, spirit, body, and soul have been out of alignment for a long, or even a short time, it’s going to take adjustments to get you back into the flow and that usually means stepping out of your comfort zone. In this episode, host Kim Kuhteubl shares powerful tools on how to get around your inner gatekeeper, unconscious beliefs and chart a course forward.

a lesson on stepping out of your comfort zone with kim kuhteubl

Kim Kuhteubl is an award-winning producer, author, and entrepreneur. She’s produced hundreds of hours of episodic and lifestyle digital content and in 2011, founded MeByDesign.

Kim works with Creative Women Founders and Executives on becoming visible. She defines visibility as more than personal branding, business strategy and getting press—although she’s an expert in those categories. Kim defines visibility according to one of its underused definition: available.

Are you, truly available for the life you say you want to live? For the mission, you know you were born to lead. You may think that seeing is believing but actually, believing is seeing. Your one best life happens from the inside out. Ready?



  • Kim’s definition of alignment.
  • One of the most powerful tools that you have when it comes to stepping out of your comfort zone is receiving.
  • Confirmation Bias and why it keeps you stuck.
  • If you can’t see anything new when it comes to your life and vision, your inner gatekeeper is the reason why.
  • Stepping out of your comfort zone requires conscious decision-making and making new decisions will likely be in direct conflict with your old, unconscious beliefs.
  • Growth doesn’t have to mean grueling or dangerous but it always is unfamiliar.
  • Certainty is a flawed concept.
  • Limiting beliefs and cognitive shortcuts
  • How to own your own creative vision.
  • Kim’s process on how to step outside of your comfort zone.
  • Awareness is more powerful than thought.
  • Smartcut your thinking by replacing old thoughts that no longer serve you.


How to Embrace your Own Awareness || Jon Kabat-Zinn Meditation

Smartcut the Thinking Exercise:

For the next seven days, you’re going to smartcut the thinking.

What are you thinking? How is your inner gatekeeper keeping you safe? Make a list. Write down ALL of the reasons why you believe the things that you’ve asked for have could never be. Let’s get clear on why your reality—which only means how you’ve previously flowed the energy—makes it impossible for you to dream, on what your inner gatekeeper sees. Catch. Interrupt. Smartcut.

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