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Designer Playlist

A Lesson on What We Keep with Jean Lin

Deciding the objects we surround ourselves with in our homes can be a journey of self-exploration. In this Lesson on What We Keep, Jean Lin, Founder and Curator of New York City design gallery and studio Colony, speaks about her new book, what designers make, what they collect and understanding the creative power of collecting. […]

A Lesson On Soul Work With Nicole Crowder

Following her intuition, Nicole Crowder made a transition from full-time photo editor to pursue her true calling in upholstery and furniture design. In this “Lesson on Soul Work”, we talk about her brand new collaboration with World Market, her practice of slow creation, and why using her lineage to tell a story through her work […]

A Lesson On Living Your Own Story with Lane McNab Opera Singer turned Interior Design Founder runs a thriving interior design firm and sustainable furniture company that is creating the next generation of heirlooms. How did she get there? By giving herself permission to keep embody her life and creativity fully. In this Lesson on Living Your Own Story, Kim talks about her early […]

A Lesson on Trusting Your Gut with Christiane Lemieux

In this “Lesson on Trusting Your Gut”, Kim Kuhteubl pulls an interview with serial entrepreneur, author and visionary Christiane Lemieux out of the vault to talk about the growth of her business, saying “yes” and why this moment was meant for creative women who were born to lead.

A Lesson On Money with Kim Kuhteubl

Plenty of books offer left-brained suggestions about how you can save, invest and get out of debt but for a lot of people, the subject of money is emotional and intangible.If you’re a chronic under-earner or even if you earn good money, but have an income cap, changing your relationship to money has to do with one of these three things. Hint, it’s got nothing to do with giving up your morning latte.

A Lesson On Visibility with Kim Kuhteubl What does it take to be truly visible? How are you creating your own obstacles to fulfillment? What excuses are you making that are stopping you from being seen, heard and loved for who you truly are? Join Kim as she shares her definition of true visibility, and what it takes to be  “available” […]

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The difference between unknowns, design leaders and legends is a factor of visibility. But being visible is about more than being seen, one of its underused definitions is available

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If you’re feeling stuck when it comes to figuring out the right steps to take your creative business to the next level, I understand.