Visibility School

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How Metabolism affects your weight loss

By Robin De-Ivy Allen Speeding up your metabolism is essential to the process of weight management. I know the benefits firsthand. For years I struggled with extra pounds until I learned how to boost my metabolism. It really is the best kept weight loss secret. It must be a secret if so many people are […]

Being Single Pays

by Laura Dauphine Yes, you’re doing it all—from auto maintenance through budgeting and cleaning, but it pays to be single. As we approach Valentine’s Day, some good news about the financial implications of being single in America. According to Forbes, marriage has many economic advantages, like pooled income, shared health-insurance coverage, and Social Security survivor […]

The Seven Year Itch Is All About Chemicals

Jane Scandurra is the co-writer, co-producer and co-director of Single, an independent feature documentary that New York film critic Tiffanie Greene describes as “brilliantly done”. How do you describe your work? “I love the freedom and flexibility of working independently and focusing on things I can be personally passionate about. So I always try to […]

A Big Purchase Without Debt

By Laura Dauphine After the holidays the last thing you want to think about is putting another purchase on your credit card. When you’re single, buying a new computer, TV, tires, or car down payment without accumulating debt isn’t easy. Making your salary stretch to cover the larger purchases in life while not having a […]

Dieting & Other Misconceptions

By Brett Blumenthal Recently, I was having a discussion with my friend who claimed that eating healthy and dieting are the same thing. Ouch! If that is true, then I must have been on a diet my whole life! How awful! The fact of the matter is, that healthy eating and dieting are two very […]

Reduce The Impact Of Your PMS

By Inga Hansen Your hair’s gone limp, your face is breaking out and your pants just aren’t fitting the way they’re supposed to. Last week you were on top of the world but today all you want to do is crawl under the covers and hide. For most women, these days mean one thing–your period […]

Become Your Own Advocate

by Deborah Collins Stephens, Michealene Cristini Risley, Jackie Speier and Jan Yanehiro If you think you’re too small to have an impact, try going to bed with a mosquito. – Anita Roddick, Founder of The Body Shop (1942 – 2007 ) Michealene spent much of her early life waiting for someone to notice her talent. […]

Lean and Green: Six Simple Strategies

by Kami Gray We don’t often think of losing weight and becoming healthier as a way to live greener and become a better steward of the planet, but becoming lean and going green go hand-in-hand. Here are some easy ways to slim down, become healthier, and take better care of our beautiful planet. 1. Shop […]

Listen to your beliefs not your doubts…

I find that the very things that I get criticized for, which is usually being different and just doing my own thing and just being original, are the very things that make me successful – Shania Twain, Grammy-winning singer (1965 – ) In looking back, Anne Robinson can understand how people thought she was marching […]

Eat Your Way to a New Job

by Robin De-Ivy Allen Food is more powerful than I could have ever imagined; in both positive and less than positive ways. I never realized before personally dropping 40 pounds how great a healer food is. I also didn’t realize before embarking on this journey as a Nutritional Consultant, just how many people use food […]

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hello there.

I’m Kim, Founder and Chief Idea Woman

I'm an Author, Award-winning Producer and Visibility Ideator with an Uncommon Take on Doing Business.

I founded MeByDesign, an idea boutique for the home industry in 2011 and have worked with creative entrepreneurs in the United States, Europe and Canada.

My incredible clients have been featured in publications like Architectural Digest, New York Times, Elle Decor, House & Garden (UK), and on network and cable television. Several have also negotiated television development and product licensing deals.

You may have read my first book, Branding + Interior Design which has taught thousands of designers how to bridge the gap between designer and design leader.

What would life be like if you were wholly visible?

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The difference between unknowns, design leaders and legends is a factor of visibility. But being visible is about more than being seen, one of its underused definitions is available



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The difference between unknowns, design leaders and legends is a factor of visibility. Branding + Interior Design is the quintessential handbook for next-gen design leaders.

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