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Harnessing The Power of Your Intellectual Property

One of the best ways for an interior designer to harness the power of their intellectual property can be found in a tiktok or instagram search. Dupe, the other four-letter word, means to trick or deceive but across the interwebs #dupe is a deal. Most often, it’s a copy of an original something—fashion, furniture, product—for […]

Decisions. Decisions.

According to the internet, the average amount of remotely conscious decisions an adult makes every day equals about 35K. (That’s 226.7 daily decisions on just food alone!). Stick With It Developing the vision for your business requires your decision-making process to be hyper-conscious and consistent. Visions, ideas, projects, transactions, all have their own rhythm and […]

Build A Loyalty Program With Email Marketing

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: Your newsletter is the foundation of your loyalty program. When people who are a fit for the way you want to serve in the world subscribe to your list, they’re giving you permission to talk to them about the things that they’re interested in. They’re also […]

Be A Creative Rebel

Perhaps it’s the creative rebel in me but I get fired up by marketers and “expert”s who tell me that everyone should be on instagram, tiktok, forget about lead generation, should charge flat fees or hourly only, or whatever piece of business advice is au courant. Are there best practices? You bet. ​ Do a […]

To Succeed or Not To Succeed

“Too many professionals try to protect themselves against failure, but never plan to exploit success!” ​I’m doing my daily lunch-time reading and that sentence by author Alan Weiss jumped off of the page. As a single mom, I’ve lately been wrapped up answering all of the “what if disaster strikes” scenarios demanded by insurance planners, […]

El Cheapo

Lately I’ve been finding the cultural obsession with “getting things on the cheap” draining.

Whether it’s some tchotchke, an experience, or more often the services of another creative person, for some, the only way to win, or spark joy, is to reduce the value of.

I too was schooled early in the art of bargain hunting and have often felt the rush of adrenalin when my favorite stores have a sale. But I’d be lying if I said that all of the things I came home with were ones that I loved.

Laurel, Yanny, PITA

If you’ve been on Facebook the last couple of days you’ve probably seen the post gone viral about yanny and laurel. I’m not going to go into the logistics of how all of this went viral, you can read that story here. However, what you need to know for the purposes of branding your interior design firm, is that scientists have an explanation for why each of us hears something different. The audio clip is known as an “ambiguous figure”. Like Rubin’s Vase, it’s an optical illusion.

What Is It About A British Accent?

I booked a reservation at the Mezzanine, inside the new Los Angeles outpost of the popular, New York, hotel The Nomad, and was greeted by a recorded message in a British accent. Apparently a 2015 poll of 11,000 people in 24 cities around the world, showed that a British accent is the most attractive in the world. Sociolinguists say that our perception of accents has to do more with social and cultural associations than it does with the actual sound.

Shiny “Objet” Syndrome

The marketing trend train moves quickly. Whether it’s Facebook live or podcasts, affiliate marketing, e-books or Instagram, I notice too many designers spinning their wheels and trying to catch up to promises made about how these tools will deliver business results fast, or my personal favorite, create passive income. Aside from the fact that passive income is usually linked to very active online infrastructure setup and content creation now, you have to ask yourself, is this fun for me?

If You Have A Waitlist Don’t Read This

A designer recently told me that she wasn’t interested in more business; that she had enough business and that she didn’t need to build a list to market to her ideal client. She knew where her ideal client was. Some designers are determined to get in their own way. But here’s what I’d like to remind you.

Our gift to you.

30 days of transformation
starts here. 

Released with intention daily, Smartcut Sessions is a 30-day self-study program designed to help designers get clarity on their vision, market to and close high-end clients, and structure their businesses to earn more: now.

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Deep down, I'll bet you're tired of waiting for the kinds of jobs, recognition, and income that make other design firms successful. You know you deserve them. Being a designer is what you were born to do.

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The difference between unknowns, design leaders and legends is a factor of visibility. But being visible is about more than being seen, one of its underused definitions is available

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If you’re feeling stuck when it comes to figuring out the right steps to take your creative business to the next level, I understand.