Visibility School

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Listen to your beliefs not your doubts…

I find that the very things that I get criticized for, which is usually being different and just doing my own thing and just being original, are the very things that make me successful – Shania Twain, Grammy-winning singer (1965 – ) In looking back, Anne Robinson can understand how people thought she was marching […]

Eat Your Way to a New Job

by Robin De-Ivy Allen Food is more powerful than I could have ever imagined; in both positive and less than positive ways. I never realized before personally dropping 40 pounds how great a healer food is. I also didn’t realize before embarking on this journey as a Nutritional Consultant, just how many people use food […]

An estimated 50 to 70 percent of women have uterine fibroids

noncancerous growths that tend to develop during childbearing years. Most women are unaware that they have them, but 20 to 40 percent of women older than 35 experience symptoms, most commonly heavy menstrual flow. Treatment options for uterine fibroids have increased dramatically in the last 20 years, according to UCLA obstetrician/gynecologist Michael Johnson, M.D. In […]

The Goods on Gluten

By Carolina Smart Are you kidding me? I use my oven for storage. Carrie Bradshaw. When someone finds out that I’m a single woman, they automatically assume I live off of microwave dinners and greasy Chinese take out. As a single gal, I do admit that many nights it would be easier to pick up […]


Name: Nancy, Educator Why did you go it alone? Through the miracle of Facebook, my University class organized our 20-year high school reunion. We graduated from the United States International University in England in the late 80’s and early 90’s. It was an amazing, truly international experience – people from all over the world living […]

ROOM FOR ONE: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Name: Jennifer, Marketing/Brand Activation Why did you go it alone? Originally I’d planned to go with a co-worker – both of us were really stressed and needed a bit of a break. She ended up backing out and I decided to try it on my own. I wanted to go someplace I hadn’t been and […]

ROOM FOR ONE: Lisbon, Portugal

Name: Danielle, Business Systems Analyst Why did you go it alone? When I travel alone, I only have to go to those places I want to see. I can start and stop as it is convenient for me. I packed so much into my three-day trip that I was able to see every attraction on […]

Nourish Women’s Ambitions

by Marie Wilson, President & Founder, The White House Project In 1984, I was working in Iowa as a civic activist and building Drake University’s division of women’s programming. I was no stranger to leadership. Yet I was surprised when a friend, who was then the only woman serving on the Des Moines City Council, […]

The Fat Closet

by Susan Posner Someone once said that there’s a difference between knowing something intellectually and really knowing it with your whole being. For years, people tried — kindly, and not so kindly — to tell me what they thought I needed to hear: – that at 5’3 and 210 pounds, I “might want to consider […]

My Very Own Laundry Tub

by Amy Joy Over the weekend, I painted my kitchen mauve. What’s so special about a mauve colored kitchen? Well, it’s my mauve colored kitchen. I also have living room, some bedrooms … and I even have a basement with a laundry tub. My very own laundry tub. It’s funny how every day items can […]

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hello there.

I’m Kim, Founder and Chief Idea Woman

I'm an Author, Award-winning Producer and Visibility Ideator with an Uncommon Take on Doing Business.

I founded MeByDesign, an idea boutique for the home industry in 2011 and have worked with creative entrepreneurs in the United States, Europe and Canada.

My incredible clients have been featured in publications like Architectural Digest, New York Times, Elle Decor, House & Garden (UK), and on network and cable television. Several have also negotiated television development and product licensing deals.

You may have read my first book, Branding + Interior Design which has taught thousands of designers how to bridge the gap between designer and design leader.

What would life be like if you were wholly visible?

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The difference between unknowns, design leaders and legends is a factor of visibility. But being visible is about more than being seen, one of its underused definitions is available



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The difference between unknowns, design leaders and legends is a factor of visibility. Branding + Interior Design is the quintessential handbook for next-gen design leaders.

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