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Half of the kids in my neighborhood have already gone back to school which feels a little crazy to me since I’m still in Summer mode. Last year at this time, I was closing on a house and I had no idea what was in store for us as I made a move across the […]

A Lesson On the Courage of Choice with Merle Hoffman

In this Lesson on the Courage of Choice, activist and author Merle Hoffman talks about how important it is to fight for women’s reproductive choices. You just have to practice courage. Merle Hoffman established Choices Women’s Medical Center, one of the country’s first abortion clinics, in 1971, two years before the U.S. Supreme Court legalized […]

A Lesson On the Courage of Choice with Merle Hoffman

In this Lesson on the Courage of Choice, activist and author Merle Hoffman talks about how important it is to fight for women’s reproductive choices. You just have to practice courage. Merle Hoffman established Choices Women’s Medical Center, one of the country’s first abortion clinics, in 1971, two years before the U.S. Supreme Court legalized […]

A Lesson On the Courage of Choice with Merle Hoffman

In this Lesson on the Courage of Choice, activist and author Merle Hoffman talks about how important it is to fight for women’s reproductive choices. You just have to practice courage. Merle Hoffman established Choices Women’s Medical Center, one of the country’s first abortion clinics, in 1971, two years before the U.S. Supreme Court legalized […]

A Lesson On Forgiveness with Ronit Plank

Ronit Plank’s mother left to follow the Indian mystic, some would say cult leader Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh (also known as Osho) when she was five years old. Through the process of writing her memoir, When She Comes Back, Plank rewrote her definition of forgiveness.   Ronit Plank is a writer, teacher, and speaker. Her debut […]

A Lesson On Being Seen with Crosby Noricks

Noricks is a pioneer in the Fashion PR industry. In 2006, she founded PR Couture, a career platform and sourcebook for lifestyle communicators, as a way to highlight where strategy and fashion intersect. In this “lesson on being seen”, we learn how she was able to pivot personally and professionally along the way to help more women become visible in their own businesses.

A Lesson On Doing The Right Thing with Natasha Fritz

Women face misogyny at work every day but the construction industry is like the Wild West and has the second-highest rate of sexual harassment complaints in North America. Natasha Fritz experienced that harassment which is why when she heard a misogynist clip on a construction industry podcast, she decided to do something about it. In this episode, “A Lesson on Doing the Right Thing”, she shares why her choice to publicly call out the offensive remarks was the only choice.

A Lesson On Stepping Out of Your Comfort Zone with Kim Kuhteubl

adjustments to get you back into the flow and that usually means stepping out of your comfort zone. In this episode, host Kim Kuhteubl shares powerful tools on how to get around your inner gatekeeper, unconscious beliefs and chart a course forward.

A Lesson on Rewiring for Wealth with Barbara Huson

Barbara Huson has devoted decades to empowering women as a financial therapist, wealth coach, and author. In this episode, Kim speaks to her about her 7th book, Rewire For Wealth, and the three steps every woman can take to step into their power and program their brain for financial success.

A Lesson On Showing Up for Yourself with Trey Anthony

Why is it still so difficult for women who lead to ask for help, especially when it comes to their mental health? And, why are Black women even less likely to ask for it? In our special SEASON 2 launch on INTERNATIONAL WOMEN’S DAY, Kim speaks to award-winning producer, writer, and speaker Trey Anthony, best known for her work “Da Kink in My Hair” and most recently, her new book “Black Girl In Love (with Herself).” In this lesson on showing up for yourself, Trey speaks openly and honestly about coming to terms with her own depression, and how we as women can find freedom in expressing the truths about our daily struggles and fall back in love… with ourselves.

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The difference between unknowns, design leaders and legends is a factor of visibility. But being visible is about more than being seen, one of its underused definitions is available

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