Visibility School

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Are you really shopping for the cure?

Cause marketing. Sounds wonkish, doesn’t it? But you’ve probably encountered this type of marketing more than you think. Ever heard the phrase “shop for the cure”? Cause marketing occurs when a company gives a portion of its profits to a charitable entity. It’s presented as a win-win relationship, because cause marketing not only benefits the […]

Budget For Holiday Gifts Now

No, I’m not one of those über efficient women who have everything bought by March. But I am a budget-obsessed shopper, pacing my gift purchases by the paycheck.  Depending on when and what you celebrate and how you get paid, chances are you have a max of 10 paychecks between you and this year’s holiday […]

Cry your heart out. It’s good for you.

“He who sits in the house of grief will eventually sit in the garden.” —   Hafiz Hard times, more than any others, reveal to us the truth that the signature of our humanity is our emotional nature. What differentiates us from stones and butterflies is the degree to which what happens to us affects us […]

Don’t Let His ED Get You Down

You like sex too much. My last girlfriend didn’t need sex as much as you do.  You’re pushing the physical part too fast. I’m not into you that way as much as you are. If you’ve heard these excuses from men before, chances are it could be because he has Erectile Dysfunction (ED), and is […]

Keep your enemies closer?

I admit it.  I’m addicted.  Facebook is the first thing I check in the morning before I get started on my day, and the last thing I check before I go to bed. I use it to keep in touch with friends who live on the east coast, family who I don’t get to see […]

Conservative Pundit Attacks Unmarried Women

Known for her opposition to feminism and for her campaign against the Equal Rights Amendment, Phyllis McAlpin Stewart Schlafly has found a new target – unmarried women. Schlafly, who has endorsed 60 Republican candidates in this year’s election, may have given the Democrats an early election day gift at a Troy, Michigan, fundraiser on Saturday. […]

Buy For One, Care For Two

Some 4 million dogs are euthanized each year in the US and Canada alone, primarily for lack of room and food.  Launched this spring, the Plus One Movement from pet food maker Darford International aims to do something about it. Attached to every Darford box of treats and food is an extra meal of the […]

Searching for my home team

Finding a female friend is actually harder than getting a date! After over 10 years in Manhattan, I was moved up to Toronto, Canada just after 9/11 at the age of 36.  Easy, I thought.  I moved to about 30 different places/countries when I was young so I’ll be able to transplant easily. Two days […]

Organize your life–clothing

You’re warmed by the summer sun and wiggling your toes in flip flops at this point in the year.  It’s a great time, before the tempting fall clothes are really out, to organize your wardrobe and give you more room in your closet. Take it off and put it on It pays – twice a […]

Why You `just can’t help yourself’ When It Comes To Cake

Have you ever said,`I just can’t help myself’ when it comes to good food and snacking?  According to a new study published in the July issue of The International Journal Of Obesity, there’s a clinical reason for it.  Some women are more likely to respond to the sight and smell of food. University of Bristol […]

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hello there.

I’m Kim, Founder and Chief Idea Woman

I'm an Author, Award-winning Producer and Visibility Ideator with an Uncommon Take on Doing Business.

I founded MeByDesign, an idea boutique for the home industry in 2011 and have worked with creative entrepreneurs in the United States, Europe and Canada.

My incredible clients have been featured in publications like Architectural Digest, New York Times, Elle Decor, House & Garden (UK), and on network and cable television. Several have also negotiated television development and product licensing deals.

You may have read my first book, Branding + Interior Design which has taught thousands of designers how to bridge the gap between designer and design leader.

What would life be like if you were wholly visible?

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The difference between unknowns, design leaders and legends is a factor of visibility. But being visible is about more than being seen, one of its underused definitions is available



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The difference between unknowns, design leaders and legends is a factor of visibility. Branding + Interior Design is the quintessential handbook for next-gen design leaders.

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