Visibility School

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Eat, Pray and Love in Bali

March’s release of The Bounty Hunter brings more than just Jennifer Aniston into theatres.  It’s also the first showing of the Eat Pray Love movie trailer.  This is one chick flick that’s expected to be a blockbuster ever since Brad Pitt’s production company snapped up the rights to the best-selling novel by Elizabeth Gilbert as […]

Buying Your First Home? How To Find a Reliable Inspector

The house looks great and the seller has accepted your offer, but you’ve noticed something:  Throughout the process everyone has bandied about the phrase “subject to inspection”. Each home inspection company has its own pricing structure.  Inspection fees vary based on the area of the country and the type, size, and features of the home […]

Matters of the Heart

We’ve all heard the warnings. We’ve all skimmed the health articles online, or in magazines telling us which risk factors are particularly important to pay attention to. To some it may seem like information overload.  To others it may seem irrelevant because heart disease is normally associated with an aging population, right? Wrong. The unfortunate […]

February is ending but taking care of your heart shouldn’t

Go Red For Women celebrates the energy, passion and power we have as women to band together to wipe out heart disease and stroke. Thanks to the participation of millions of people across the country, the color red and the red dress now stand for the ability all women have to improve their heart health […]

How to be debt free forever

Gail Vaz-Oxlade’s recent book, Debt-Free Forever (published by Collins) reminds us that there are more steps we could be taking to reduce our debt or live debt-free.  We’ll be sampling chapters and profiling all seven of her steps to introduce you to her theory and possibly kick off your own debt-free program. Vaz-Oxlade suggests that […]

A party to count on

Chances are you’ve been to a holiday party, Super Bowl party or Academy Awards night parties.  So why not throw a party to do your taxes?  Yummy food, possibly decorations (I’m either feeling Uncle Sam or lots of skulls and crossbones…) and maybe even some soothing music.  You can be creative and even have friends […]

Is it okay for a friend to tell her husband your secret?

So here’s the scenario, you and your best friend have told each other everything for years and now she’s got a husband, fiancé or boyfriend – long term, she thinks – and you find out that she’s told him one of your secrets. It’s something you needed to get off your chest but asked her […]

Living La Vida Tranquilista

By Kimberly Wilson A tranquilista is a woman who embraces her many sides: spiritual (she’s a tranquility-seeker), creative (loves style), and entrepreneurial (calls her own shots). She hearts fashion and philanthropy. Parties and prayer. Entertaining and enlightenment. The golden rule and layers of vintage gold bangles. She is you and she is moi. She is […]

Save Small Everyday

You may have heard of “The Latte Factor®” a trademarked phrase by author and financial guru David Bach, which asserts that if you spend small amounts daily, those small expenditures would be better saved for your future.  Bach has recently re-introduced his successful theory in a new book, Start Over, Finish Rich and even has […]

When to call it quits on a friendship

by Carolina Smart Sixteen years ago, I started a friendship. This person was so much like me it was sometimes hard to see where she ended and I began. She became my best friend, confidante and sister. We saw each other through good times and bad times, knowing we could count on each other to […]

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hello there.

I’m Kim, Founder and Chief Idea Woman

I'm an Author, Award-winning Producer and Visibility Ideator with an Uncommon Take on Doing Business.

I founded MeByDesign, an idea boutique for the home industry in 2011 and have worked with creative entrepreneurs in the United States, Europe and Canada.

My incredible clients have been featured in publications like Architectural Digest, New York Times, Elle Decor, House & Garden (UK), and on network and cable television. Several have also negotiated television development and product licensing deals.

You may have read my first book, Branding + Interior Design which has taught thousands of designers how to bridge the gap between designer and design leader.

What would life be like if you were wholly visible?

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The difference between unknowns, design leaders and legends is a factor of visibility. But being visible is about more than being seen, one of its underused definitions is available



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The difference between unknowns, design leaders and legends is a factor of visibility. Branding + Interior Design is the quintessential handbook for next-gen design leaders.

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