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When The Rubber Hits The Road

It was a packed day of clients yesterday and during the course of my google+ chats, one theme became abundantly clear. What you do in your business and your life ultimately boils down to two choices. Yup, just two. You can focus on what you want or, you can focus on what you don’t want. […]

Image 360 Telesummit

So why do some interior design firms thrive, while others barely survive?  The answer lies in one powerful, little word:  brand. On August 21 & 22nd, join an inspired conversation about branding, visibility and money.  This compelling series of interviews combined with live sessions for interior designers and product makers will bridge the gap between what […]

Where Design Leaders Go

I just got my media accreditation for  Dwell On Design  and between that and a slew of interviews I’ve been doing for an incredible event – more on that later – it feels like I’m back in pre-production again. The Los Angeles Design Festival 2013 kicks off this weekend and Dwell is just one of the […]


Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery or so the saying goes and I suppose copycats are par for the course when you’re successful in creative business but I’m not going to lie, they bug me. One of my clients recently had her design ripped off by a fellow blogger. Now that design had already […]

Are You Leaving Money On The Table?

The one thing that’s standard among interior design professionals is that pricing their services isn’t. Whether you charge hourly, by the square foot, with markup or without, or as a percentage of the overall budget, every job and every client is unique and coming to consensus can be tricky. You’ve probably heard a lot of […]

Permission To Be Yourself In Business

I remember interviewing Directors for the first film that I wrote and produced. One in particular argued with such certainty that he knew what my film was about and that it couldn’t work without his bigchanges to the father character, that I almost forgot that I’d written it. Another wanted me to change the relationship […]

Are You In It To Win It?

Because so many of my clients have had huge success this year, occasionally I’ll attract folks who think I’m some kind of magic bullet. And while I do love the seemingly magical opportunities that are sparked when a client’s vision is aligned with a strategic plan of action, I also know how much work was […]

Too Overwhelmed To Read This?

Chances are if you’re overwhelmed, you’re in the middle of something big, a big shift toward exactly where you want to be. But come on, are you really completely defeated or drowning beneath a huge mass?    No, no you’re not. Tough Love My own business advisor – yes I have one too – told me she […]

What Charlotte Moss Said At The Design Blogger’s Conference

I kicked off my week at the Design Bloggers Conference 2013with a slew of awesome design folk from across the United States.  POV was a big theme.  In fact, having one is a key component in Charlotte Moss’ “Blogma”… …be original… …be informed… …be selective… …be kind… …be accurate… …be respectful… …be inspiring… …be provocative… …have a […]

Are You Available For Opportunity?

I couldn’t catch a cab to save my life. The window between working with my Brooklyn interior designer client, and the last-minute meeting that the luxury faucet/fittings company had requested, didn’t allow for cabs whizzing by.  Two intensives, one meeting and two dinners in two days didn’t start out planned that way, but I trust […]

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Released with intention daily, Smartcut Sessions is a 30-day self-study program designed to help designers get clarity on their vision, market to and close high-end clients, and structure their businesses to earn more: now.

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Deep down, I'll bet you're tired of waiting for the kinds of jobs, recognition, and income that make other design firms successful. You know you deserve them. Being a designer is what you were born to do.

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The difference between unknowns, design leaders and legends is a factor of visibility. But being visible is about more than being seen, one of its underused definitions is available

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Prepare to Think Differently

If you’re feeling stuck when it comes to figuring out the right steps to take your creative business to the next level, I understand.